abc-chalkboardLet Teachers SHINE is looking for outstanding project ideas that will help raise attainment in English, maths or science among disadvantaged young people. The competition states that all kinds of ideas are welcome. They might involve after-school clubs or the use of technology. They could involve one-to-one learning, small groups or whole classes. Winning ideas will have clear objectives, a well worked out budget, be scalable and target disadvantaged students in the key subject areas.

Who is eligible?

Any qualified teacher working in England with students aged up to 18 is welcome to apply. This includes teachers from state schools, independent schools and pupil referral units – just the project must focus on helping disadvantaged young people.

What is available?

10 winning projects will be selected and will each receive funding of up to £15,000. There will be additional funding to help scale up and replicate the most successful projects.

Equipment costs cannot make up more than 50% of the total project budget.

How do I apply?

You can download an application form from the SHINE website. There is a wealth of information to help you on the website including frequently asked questions and examples of past projects.

The competition is now open and closes for applications at midnight on 17th April 2016. The best entrants will be invited to interview. The interviews will take place on the 7th, 9th and 11th May 2016. Successful applicants will be informed by the end of May 2016.


If you have any questions, the SHINE team invite you to contact them. Contact details can be found on the SHINE website.

Good luck!
