It’s back! The Royal Institution Maths Enrichment and Enhancement (E&E) Grant Scheme gives £500 grants to schools and colleges to enable them to experience a maths activity taken from the STEM Directories. The STEM Directories is an online catalogue of…
Education Endowment Foundation: Raising the Attainment of EAL Pupils
New funding from the Education Endowment Foundation The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) has launched a new round of funding specifically aimed at raising the attainment of pupils classified as having English as an Additional Language (EAL). Research has found that…
Eridge Trust: Grants for school trips
Time to plan a trip! Grants of up to £2,000 are available to fund educational trips that aim to stimulate appreciation of visual art and to encourage students to enjoy looking at works of art, especially painting. This doesn’t have…