Funding is available from the Department for Education to provide subject specialism training courses for teachers in secondary maths, core maths, physics and modern foreign languages. How does it work? Local lead schools will work in partnership with others schools…
Education Endowment Foundation Summer Round
The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) funds projects that seek to improve the educational attainment of pupils who are eligible for free school meals. Projects should be cost-effective and replicable. What projects are supported? The EEF is looking for projects that…
Maths E&E Grant Scheme
It’s back! The Royal Institution Maths Enrichment and Enhancement (E&E) Grant Scheme gives £500 grants to schools and colleges to enable them to experience a maths activity taken from the STEM Directories. The STEM Directories is an online catalogue of…
Let Teachers SHINE 2016
Let Teachers SHINE is looking for outstanding project ideas that will help raise attainment in English, maths or science among disadvantaged young people. The competition states that all kinds of ideas are welcome. They might involve after-school clubs or the use of technology.…
Royal Institution Maths Enrichment and Enhancement Grant Scheme
What is it? The Royal Institution Maths Enrichment and Enhancement (E&E) Grant Scheme gives grants of up to £500 to UK state schools to deliver a maths activity from the STEM Directories. The STEM Directories is an online catalogue of STEM…