About the School Funding Service

The School Funding Service was set up to help schools in the UK access grants to achieve their goals. We all know that many schools face tough budgetary constraints. We also know the fundamental role they play in shaping the lives of children and young people in our communities.

However, many schools simply don’t know that there are millions of pounds worth of grants available to them. There are grants for school buildings, grants for playgrounds, grants for classroom resources, grants for extended schools services, grants for arts, grants for science, grants for school trips… the list is endless.

There are also many schools that don’t have the time or expertise to put projects together and write winning bids. This means that they are missing out on accessing grants. This is additional funding that can make a real difference to the lives of pupils, staff and parents.

This is where the School Funding Service helps. We know where to find hundreds of grants, bursaries, volunteers and equipment donations and we know how to get them through effective project planning, research and bid writing. We get to know your school, your vision and your goals. We work out the best grants for you and help you every step of the way.

About Rachel Gordon


Dr Rachel Gordon heads up the School Funding Service. She is a fundraising consultant who previously put together the most comprehensive database of funding available to UK schools. She has advised hundreds of schools on grant fundraising and written winning bids to secure funds for a wide range of projects including outdoor learning, ICT, sports equipment and coaching, playgrounds and school trips.

Rachel has delivered fundraising workshops at national and regional education conferences including EdExec and the Birmingham Bursars’ Group. She has also written articles for Ed Exec, Headteacher Update, SecEd and Innovate My School.

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