A photo by Patrick Tomasso. unsplash.com/photos/Oaqk7qqNh_cGroups can apply for a grant from £10,000 to £50,000 to help young people explore their heritage.

What is it?

Grants can be used to provide opportunities for young people aged 11 to 25 to explore their heritage, from green spaces, museums, and historic sites to language, local memories and youth culture. Young people should be involved in the planning and delivery of their heritage project.

Who can apply?

Schools can apply for a grant but the project must take place outside of normal school hours and not be formally linked to the curriculum. Schools must also demonstrate how the project will benefit the wider community.

How do I apply?

You can apply anytime. Full guidance notes and a copy of the application form can be found on the Heritage Lottery Fund website. You can also find case studies of past projects to give you an idea about the kind of activities that are successful in securing funding.
